Community Gardens
Grow with us
Community gardening is a great venture for many people! Gardening with LEAF creates many opportunities: to grow fresh, organic produce; to learn new gardening techniques; to meet fellow gardeners; and to feel like a bigger part of the community at large. Sounds great, right? It is! It also takes work and commitment, and you need to be sure you can dedicate the appropriate amount of time to your garden plots before you sign up! We recommend 2 to 4 hours a week as a minimum to keep up a plot and surrounding paths.
The success of LEAF’s community gardens requires the commitment of each gardener to his/her plot, but also to the overall garden. To ensure the longevity of the gardens gardeners are expected to pitch in during the season--helping with projects that maintain the overall garden site.
Coming Soon!
2025 - New Gardener sign up
We ask that you review the rules, consider the time and commitment joining a garden takes before signing up.
Waitlist information
Each year, there are more interested gardeners than plots available. A wait list is created and plots are assigned in a first come first served fashion.